Sunday, July 03, 2005


Well, to begin with, I started this blog after reading the blogs of several friends and following links on their blogs to the blogs of complete strangers and finding them all equally fascinating. I didn't know what a blog was until a week ago so I found it fascinating. What a great outlet for all the frustrated writers among us;o) If you follow enough links you are bound to find both something you love or relate to and something that you hate or that offends you. Ain't it great!? I don't know that my blog will interest, entertain or amuse anyone but me but that's okay. I'll have fun doin' it.

It strikes me as kinda funny that the latest rage is ordinary people writing about their everyday lives and other people actually giving a crap about that. I knew I was a "people junkie" but I didn't know there were so many others out there. Scary. So....

I will probably write about my kids and our unschooling, eclectic, laid back, chaotic, perfectly Hodges lifestyle quite a lot. Once in a while, I will get inspired or annoyed enough to write about politics or religion or my philosophies on life in general. I will definitely post poetry, quotes, song lyrics, etc quite frequently. I like the idea of "10 things about me" also so look for those.

There will also be posts about my diet/health quest. I need to keep a food/exercise journal and I might as well do it here. I'll fill you in on the sitch in a later post. This section may end up being private - for members only.

I guarantee you I will post at least once a week about the best TV show ever, Lost, when it's season starts back up again - I am a total Lost Junkie. I don't watch a lot of TV other than lost and a couple of reality shows for the comic relief factor. Dang people can be stupid, can't they?

I guarantee you there will be some bragging. Fair warning8O) I am very proud of my kids and I have one that is a serious singer/songwriter who is on the verge of some great things, I have no doubt. As soon as she gets back from Mizry (Missouri for the uninitiated) I'll get her to record an audio post singing a song. Stay tuned for that - it will be worth the wait. She is auditioning for American Idol this summer so you'll be able to say you heard her here first8o) And no, she is not one of the idiots who attempt to annoy Simon by singing when they ought to just Mime; she can seriously "blow" as Randy would (will?) say. She actually won a contest a couple of years ago even though one of the other contestants was an AI winner who shall remain anonymous - unless you stop to consider that we live in Oklahoma... duh.

Hang in there with me while I sort out what direction I want this thing to go. I want it, above all, to be a place I can be proud to direct friends to who want to keep up with our doings. I want my kids to be proud to direct their friends here, too. So all I ask is that if you comment on anything here, keep it clean please. If I ever post anything that might not be appropriate for kids of 11 or so on up to read, I'll label it accordingly.

Have a great day... or don't - it's up to you.


At 8:16 PM, Blogger Laura Riesenberg said...


Just had to chime in as a fellow "Lost" is the only show I HAVE to see...even made dh get the stupid digital video recorder thing from the cable company so I could record it because it was on at the same time as Grant's baseball games. I can't wait to see what next season brings!



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