Thursday, July 14, 2005


I've never been tagged before. Hmmm. I guess that makes me a tag virgin;o)
My friend Lea, aka Min, sent me these questions.

Q1: What is your favorite night-time snack?

Q2: If you could choose 3 comfort items to take with you for a year on a desert island, what would they be?

Q3: Why did you choose each item?

Q4: What is your first memory?

1: My favorite night-time snack would probably be tortilla chips and salsa. Of course, if I'm being really bad, it's cookie dough. Oooh yeah!

2-3: If I were going to be on a deserted island, I would want a stack of good books, a ton of mail order catalogs and my comforter and gel mattress to sleep on (does that count as two?) I love camping out and stuff but I don't do well without a soft place to lie at the end of the day;o) I am a mail order catalog nut. I can waste hours and hours looking through catalogs and making lists of everything I want from them and books are far and away the best way to "escape". I guess we should be thinking about things that would make it easier for us to survive but for me, great ways to pass the time and a good nights sleep make everything more bearable8O)

4: My first memory... Hmmm, let me think a minute. I can't really remember much before about age 7 or 8 because of PTSS (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) so my first memory is of sitting in the big mimosa tree in our front yard with my neighbor Mickey in Bartlesville Oklahoma. I used to sit up there for hours. I would do my homework up there! Even back then, I wanted to escape the "town" atmosphere and pretend I was in the wilderness. That hasn't changed.

Thanks Min!! I love thinking about goofy stuff like this.


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