Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Kind of a head trip this afternoon. I haven't been out that much lately cause of the heat but today was beautiful and not as hot as it has been so I went to Tulsa. As I was passing the movie marquee, I glimpsed some titles showing; the top three (all I had time to catch as I drove by) were Bewitched, Herbie the Love Bug and The Longest Yard. Wow, everything old is new all over again. I'm having flashbacks of Burt Reynolds and Dean whatsisname, Elizabeth Montgomery and some guy with long hair and a bong wearing a loincloth at that outdoor concert.... Wait, wrong flashback;o)

My thoughts:

I don't like Nicole Kidman - she's no Liz M.;o) She's a slut-puppy IMHO and turns every character she plays into one. So having her play a character as sweetly nostalgic as Samantha Stephens is a joke. It would be like having Pamela Anderson play I Dream of Jeannie. OMG. Not going to that one.

I'll have to see The Longest Yard because I love Adam Sandler and football.

Herbie - well, I have kids, see, so I will end up having to get it from netflix if I don't take them to see it. And if I let their big brother take them to it they will drive me batty insisting that I "have to see it, Mom, you just have to, you'll love it Mom, I promise. It is sooooooo good, Mom, you really have to see it." So, I'm really hoping it comes to the drive-in. Now if they just don't pair it with House of Wax or some such.... or Bewitched.


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